Wednesday 5 December 2018

Computer Abuse

There are 3 fundamentals gaps in which computer security enforces and the way computer systems are used.first,technological.second,sociotechnological and lastly social.
1. First gap : computer mechanism vs computer policy
There is a significant gap in most existing systems between the computer security that is desired or thought to be in effect and what is inn fact implement.with discretionary access control,some user can access through some resources that are not exactly accessible for them.the flaw in technical system such as hardware malfunctions or virus attack can make unauthorized user access some information easily.

2. Second gap : computer policy vs social policy
Exist a gap between the policy the computer controls are intended to enforce and the desired social policies.not all the social policies such as for privacy,copyright protection, data correctness and integrity and human safety will enforceable by computer policies.

3. Third gap : social policy vs (anti)social behavior  
Significant gap between desired human behavior and actual human behavior is also can exist on any particular computing system that affect wide range of people including users, administrators, developers, maintainers and etc.difficulty in preventing the intentional abuse of authorized access and the problem become worse because of omnipotent superuser and administrative privilege.the authorized users also provided with new opportunities and temptations for the invasion of privacy of others.there is also the result of unintentional misuse.dependence on bad data will affect the system behavior and human behavior seriously.when security policies are established, it is important to pay attention towards human behavior that would not always perfectly, legally, ethically or even acceptably.

Potentials for computer attacks
Potential for sabotage, espionage and computerized terrorism is alarming. Attacks appear to be escalating in step with improving defenses. It is important to recognize the need to impede multiperson collusions other than single-user attacks.

Defending against computer system misuse
We need to be aware towards the user of system who innocently exercises a Trojan horse, developer/maintainer of a system who accidentally install fundamental flaw, the administrator who mistakenly trusts someone or some program that is trustworthy or others. There are more applicable technology that can contribute defenses such as systems satisfying the advanced criteria 9B2 or better) of the National Computer Security Center Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (the “Orange Book”) tend to have stronger assurance.Security controls also must constrain authorized users more closely toward what is considered acceptable behavior such as through a combination of noncompromisable mandatory controls (levels and categories0 and discretionary controls, with systematic use of rules and least privilege, plus anomaly detection systems that can detect potentially undesirable behavior. Real-time anomaly detection can contribute to narrowing Gap 1 by detecting deviations from accepted computer-system norms and Gap 3 by detecting deviations from accepted social norms.  

Reference : Peter G. N. The computer-related risk of the year:computer abuse.

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